Will you temporarily be living and/or working in the Netherlands as a foreigner? In that case, you must take out compulsory health insurance in the Netherlands. HollandZorg is an independent and autonomous health insurer that specializes in health insurance for foreign migrant workers (sometimes also referred to as flex migrants). As a private individual or employer you can quickly and easily take out basic insurance with supplementary health insurance and/or dental insurance at HollandZorg, benefitting from excellent conditions. Special health insurance for flex migrantsIf you’re going to work in the Netherlands as a foreigner, in some cases you’ll need a residence permit or work permit to be allowed to live and work in the Netherlands. Before you can apply for health insurance, you must register as a resident of the Netherlands in the municipality where you live. You’ll receive a citizen service number (BSN), which you’ll need to apply for healthcare insurance. The health insurance policies of HollandZorg are specially developed for flex migrants. Consequently, you’ll enjoy optimum service, multilingual support and extra reimbursements. European healthcareAs a foreign employee in the Netherlands, if you take out European health insurance with HollandZorg you’ll receive a so-called European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). This health insurance card entitles you to reimbursement of necessary medical expenses in the EU countries, Switzerland and the EEA countries of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The insurance package and coverage differ depending on the country. On the HollandZorg website you can download a handy EHIC app for your smartphone to easily submit claims, among other things. Do you have questions about our health insurance for foreign migrant workers in the Netherlands? Please call our customer service at +31 (0)570 687 123 or send an e-mail via the contact form on hollandzorg.com. Or feel free to stop by at our office at Munsterstraat 7 in Deventer. |
https://www.hollandzorg.com/ |